Terms & Conditions

Your Rights and Responsibilities


When booking a tour from our website payment will be made by credit card, taxes and VAT included.


For bookings for shared tours made on this website, cancellation or modifications are accepted, without penalty(except credit card commissions), up to 48 hours before the time of departure. Cancellation requests must be made within business hours.

For late cancellations or non-possible modifications no refund will be applied. In case of bad weather we reserve the right of cancelling the excursion offering the chance of moving the tour to another day or to have a total refund.


Booking our services, you agree to be bound by these terms and conditions that govern the relationship between the client and Cooperativa S.Antonio company, the cancellation policy and limitations of liability. All persons wishing to make a booking (including minors and persons under disability) have carefully read and fully understood the Terms and Conditions.
By utilizing our services you agree that neither Cooperativa S.Antonio nor any subsidiary of us shall be liable for any injury, damage, loss, accident or delay incurred by your or those travelling with you directly or indirectly from any acts or default of the suppliers or from any occurrence or condition beyond the control of Cooperativa S.Antonio, including defects in vehicles or breakdown in equipment.


Regulations for the Transport of Passengers and Goods

COOPERATIVA S.ANTONIO A.R.L., hereinafter identified as “The Company”, undertakes the transport of persons, accompanying passengers, in accordance with these Regulations of Transport, the conditions of which are considered to be known and accepted in full by anyone who purchases or uses the Company's passage tickets. The Regulations of Transport are available to users at the Company's Offices and Ticket Offices, as well as at the on-board Commands. The fares, timetables, itineraries and other conditions reported herein may be modified, as per the general conditions of the transport contract.

1) TICKETS AND FARES - The passage ticket is personal, non-transferable and is valid only for the transport specified therein. The passenger is required to diligently keep the contract/ticket to justify his/her right to travel and to show it to any Officer of the ship or Official of the Company who requests it. Tickets bearing abrasions and/or corrections are considered null and void. The ticket not used by the date of issue will lose its validity without the right to a refund. The regulations and fares can be consulted on the website www.coopsantonio.com, at the agencies (ticket offices) at the departure and on board the vessels. Duplicates will not be issued for lost or stolen tickets.

Children under the age of 2 are granted free passage without the right to a seat; if they occupy a seat, the applicable fare must be paid. Children from 2 to 10 years of age pay the applicable child fare. From 10 years of age, the full fare. The age of the children must be documented. No reductions for children can be granted after the tickets have been issued. Children under the age of 10 must be kept under the supervision of parents and/or adults who have custody of them and cannot travel on the ship unaccompanied. The Company will not be liable for damages incurred by minors in the event of violation of the above.

Reductions on passage prices must be requested by those who are entitled to them before the ticket is issued and upon presentation of the supporting documents.

On-board checks
The Company, through inspectors responsible for the checks or even its own on-board staff, may carry out checks on travel tickets during navigation. Any passenger who is found to be without one, without having given prior notice to the Captain or the on-board staff, will be subject to payment of the full fare ticket for the connection made, increased by 100%.

2) TICKETS - Passengers with pre-purchased tickets or even return tickets must necessarily present themselves for boarding 15 minutes before the scheduled departure time, under penalty of availability of the seat on board.

3) INVOICE - Tickets do not have the value of an invoice. Passengers interested in obtaining a ticket with invoice value must make an explicit request when purchasing the ticket, communicating their personal and tax data pursuant to art. 22 of Presidential Decree 633 of 26/10/72 and subsequent amendments, and before the ticket is issued.

4) BAGGAGE - Suitcases, travel bags, travel sacks, backpacks and similar items containing the passenger's personal effects are considered baggage. The passenger has the right to carry one bag with maximum dimensions of 45x35x20 cm and containing exclusively personal effects. Excess baggage may be admitted on board upon payment, at the rate of one ticket for each excess baggage. Baggage, goods and various packages are admitted on board exclusively accompanied by the passenger and are taken on board by the passenger himself. Baggage admitted on board cannot be placed on chairs, armchairs or in such a way as to obstruct passengers. Packages not containing the passenger's personal effects, especially if particularly bulky, will be loaded only if there is space available on board, provided that there are no technical impediments, at the sole discretion of the On-Board Command. The luggage service is optional and the fee is paid directly by the passenger. The luggage allowed on board is not guarded; it will be the passenger's responsibility to monitor and guard it upon boarding, during navigation and upon disembarkation. The passenger who should bring on board substances or objects of illegal possession will be liable to the Company for damages, fines and penalties that may be incurred as a result of such introduction. The Company is liable exclusively, within the limits of the law, for valuables delivered, against a regular receipt, to the Command. The Company is not liable for valuables, jewels, money or anything else left in the car or in common areas on board of the ship. In any case, it is up to the claimant to prove the extent of the loss or damage suffered, as well as the fact that such loss or damage occurred during the transport.

5) DOGS, CATS AND OTHER PETS - Unless otherwise required by law, the transport of dogs, cats and other small live domestic animals accompanying passengers is permitted upon payment of the applicable fare; animals must be kept exclusively outside the passenger lounges and in conditions that do not cause damage or discomfort to passengers. No animals may be brought into the lounges and rooms intended for passengers, with the exception of guide dogs for the blind. Dogs must be muzzled and on a leash. Cats or other domestic animals must be transported in cages or baskets under the care of their owners. The owners are responsible for feeding the animals.

6) WEAPONS - It is strictly forbidden to bring on board bladed weapons and firearms, ammunition, explosives, fuel or other dangerous substances.

7) ON-BOARD REGULATIONS - NOTICES - From the moment of boarding and until disembarking, each passenger is required to comply with the provisions given by the on-board staff and the notices posted. Passengers must remain seated during the crossing and during mooring and unmooring operations, and maintain a behavior that does not compromise the safety of navigation.

8) PASSENGER LIABILITY - The passenger is liable for all damage caused directly by him, or by a person or animal in his custody, to the vessel, its furnishings, appurtenances and accessories, equipment, other passengers, luggage, Company employees or auxiliaries, third parties as well as for the payment of sanctions, fines, penalties and/or expenses to which the Company is subjected due to his actions. Ticket recovery-refund procedure.

9) Failure to provide the transport service for reasons attributable to the shipping company: ticket refund/recovery procedure.
In cases of failure to provide the service for reasons attributable to the Shipping Company, the passenger who, within seven days of the cancellation of the service, intends to use the ticket on the same route, must first contact the company to allow the issuing of the new ticket. The issuing will take place without the application of any surcharge. In the same cases, the passenger who intends to obtain a refund of the price, must forward to the company, within the same seven-day period indicated above, a formal request to the email address tours@coopsantonio.com
Tickets pre-purchased via the electronic system on the website www.coopsantonio.com can be cancelled by midnight of the second day before the travel date, without the application of any penalty. For the refund of the aforementioned tickets, the passenger must forward to the company a formal request, in the manner provided for in the previous paragraph.
COOPERATIVA S.ANTONIO A.R.L. undertakes to refund the price of the ticket or prepaid card online within the 15th working day following the month in which the refund request was submitted, net of bank transaction fees.

10) PROHIBITIONS - Passengers are prohibited from including flammable or otherwise dangerous materials, contraband goods, transporting letters and packages subject to postal tax, goods protected by the State, or which are otherwise prohibited from exporting, introducing objects into the lounges of the vessels that may cause annoyance or disturbance to passengers, lying on sofas, opening or closing windows without speaking to the on-board staff. Passengers are responsible for non-compliance with the above-mentioned prohibitions towards the competent Authorities and towards the Company, which reserves the right to take action for compensation for any damages, fines and penalties to which it may be subject. Passengers are required to compensate for any damages caused to the vessel and on-board furnishings.

11) BOARDING - Upon boarding, the passenger is required to show the on-board staff the travel ticket and documents demonstrating any right to a reduction in fare or exemption from payment.
The timetables and itineraries indicated in the brochures may be subject to change. Before boarding, passengers are invited to check the timetables and itineraries of the chosen trip at the Company's headquarters or ticket offices. The Company is not liable for sudden changes due to force majeure, impediments of the ship or other justified reasons. Passengers are not permitted to bring weapons of any kind on board the ship. In the event that, upon boarding or during navigation, it is found that a passenger is in possession of weapons or in any case appears to be in conditions (due to illness, drunkenness or other reasons) such as to represent a danger to themselves or others, the Captain of the ship will adopt the measures provided by law. The passenger, from the moment of boarding until disembarkation, undertakes to comply with the provisions issued by the Command on board.

12) ITINERARIES AND TIMETABLES - The departure and arrival times of the ship and its itinerary are subject to change even without notice, for technical reasons or causes of force majeure; for such reasons the Company reserves the right to cancel or modify the planned trips in whole or in part. It also reserves the right to cancel departures or stopovers for the same reasons. If for technical reasons or causes of force majeure the trip must be changed, the passenger must disembark at the new port of destination and no refund or compensation will be due. Passengers are therefore required to request confirmation of the itineraries and timetables, with sufficient advance notice, at the ticket offices at the port of call, ensuring - before departure - that no changes have occurred relating to the ship and the timetable shown on the passage ticket; in this case, the passenger may ask the ticket office to be able to depart, if there are seats available, with the next journey, or may renounce the journey against reimbursement of the ticket price which will be made only by the issuing office. No further compensation or damages will be paid by the Company, whatever the cause determining the cancellation or modification of the journey.

13) RESPONSIBILITY - The transport of passengers and luggage will be carried out at the passenger's risk. The Company declines all responsibility for damage to persons or things or theft of luggage. No responsibility can be attributed to the Company for additional expenses caused by delays or omissions of journeys due to technical or mechanical failures of its vehicles, or in any case due to causes beyond its control such as illness, bad weather, strikes, quarantines, wars, force majeure. Timetables, fares and travel conditions may be changed without notice.

14) COMPLAINTS - ACCIDENTS - REPORTS - All complaints, including refunds, must be notified exclusively in writing to the Società Cooperativa S. Antonio using the form referred to in the previous article 9. Refunds are managed exclusively by the Company. Injuries or damage must be immediately notified to the On-Board Command of the ship on which the trip was made.coo

15) POSTING AND VARIATION OF THE REGULATIONS AND TARIFFS - These regulations are posted, for the appropriate knowledge of the public, in the premises of each agency of the Company and in the on-board premises intended for passengers.

16) INTEGRATION AND AMENDMENTS TO THE REGULATIONS - The Company reserves the right to integrate or modify the conditions that regulate the user relationship at any time. The relevant communications will be validly made by the Company by means of a notice displayed at the Company's Offices and Ticket Offices and at the On-Board Commands and will come into force with the effective date indicated in such notice.

17) COMPETENT COURT - For any dispute, the court competent by law shall be the one.


In case of dispute, the competent law court, will be in Naples(Italy).


These terms and conditions are valid from 1st June 2018.


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